Unit 2: Reflection

Alina Hadzovic 


Unit Two Reflection 

This unit, we focused on the applications of rhetorical devices and how they apply to modern real world situations. By choosing a movement on our own accord, I was certainly more interested in the research aspect of the final essay, considering it was something I was interested in. While I understood the whole “new” vs “old” rhetoric, I really was surprised to find the plethora of connections between the two. After analyzing the rhetorical strategies used in the Schools Strike for Climate movement, it was clear that Cicero’s five canons of rhetoric applied in the posters used in the strike, a connection I hadn’t made prior. I wonder how things like the use of Aristotle’s rhetorical triangle (audience, speaker, message) have changed over time- has a speaker’s credibility changed over time? We have learned in class that rhetorical strategies only applied to “a good man,” and I wonder to what extent that still pertains. If two people were saying the same thing but one appeared to be more sophisticated, would society be more inclined to be persuaded? This unit allowed me to push the boundaries of the strength of rhetoric, and how powerful it can really be. While I complete every textbook assignment about rhetoric, these actual real world examples only underlined the true rigor of rhetoric. 

I wish there was  more time between the end of this unit and the previous one because I think a day or two going over the rhetorical devices we learned about in our readings for homework would have made it stick better and thus lead to a stronger final essay. It was hard for me to think back into what we’d read in the book since it was constantly fogged over with other assignments; of course, I could have easily looked through the book on my own (I did), but I think the entire class would have benefited from a day of review. Regardless, the Writing into the Day assignments were very helpful in practicing how to analyze rhetoric and what it means to use “effective rhetoric.” While this essay frankly isn’t my strongest, I am not embarrassed or ashamed of the quality of work. I would have loved to continue my research and continue my understanding of the movement itself and the effects of the protests, along with the effects of persuasion based on rhetorical devices. 

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